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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DIY Face Masks for Every Skin Type

Every glamazon loves a little indulgence every now and then. What better way to indulge than a nice soothing facial? Here are some great “Do It Yourself” facial ideas that will keep your skin looking great without breaking your budget.

Egg Whites & Yogurt Mask (Good for dry skin.)

This face mask is a great way to replenish moisture within the skin without spending big bucks at the spa! It’saffordable and model, Shalom Harlow swears by it.

What you’ll need:

- Two Egg Whites

- Two Tablespoons of Plain Yogurt

- Mixing Bowl

- Spoon

Preparation: Combine the egg whites and the yogurt in a bowl. Continue mixing until the two ingredients are thoroughly combined and the mixture is paste- like. Apply to the face using your hands, and avoid your eyes. Allow the mask to sit for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Afterwards, your face should feel smooth and supple. Dispose of the leftovers because the ingredients are perishable.

Cucumber Mask (Good for acne- prone skin!)

Cucumbers have natural anti- inflammatory properties among many other health and beauty benefits. The cucumber face mask is said to tighten pores, brighten skin, and draw out impurities.

What you’ll need:

- 1 inch chunk of cucumber

- One drop of rosemary essential oil (optional)

- One egg white

- Blender

Preparation: Whizz the cucumber in a blender until it becomes completely liquid, then add the drop of rosemary essential oil. Whisk the egg white until stiff, fold in the cucumber mixture and smooth over the face avoiding the eyes and mouth area. Remove after 15 minutes using a clean, damp washcloth. Once you remove the mask you should feel rejuvenated and there will be a noticeable difference in the size of your pores.

Kitty Litter Mask (Good for oily skin!)

I know this sounds really bizarre, but rumor has it that the same clay found in high quality clay masks can also be found in kitty litter! Just make sure you buy unscented, non- clumping, 100% bentonite clay kitty litter. If done properly the effects of this mask rival those of professional spa treatments. It absorbs all the dirt, oil, and bacteria in your skin leaving you with tiny pores and a smooth complexion.

What you’ll need:

- 2 Tablespoons of 100% bentonite clay kitty litter

- 1 Tablespoon of hot water

- A spoon

- A microwave

- Mixing Bowl

Preparation: Grind 2 tablespoons of the litter into a fine powder using the end of the spoon. Combine the hot water and the kitty litter in a mixing bowl and stir until it has a pasty consistency. You may place it in the microwave for about 10 seconds if you wish but it is not mandatory. Apply the mask to your face for about 15 minutes and remove with a damp washcloth in a circular motion. Be sure to follow up with a good moisturizer because the sodium bentonite extracts moisture from the skin. You should be left with smooth skin, tight pores, and feel totally rejuvenated. This can save you hundreds of dollars that may have otherwise been spent on professional spa treatments and products. So give it a try, your wallet and your skin will thank you. Have you ever tried any of these masks? If so, what were your results? If I left any thing out or if there is something you would like to add feel free to submit to my blog or you can just leave a question or comment.

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