Winter may be right around the corner but you can keep those beachy waves all year long with this simple technique. It requires no heat and it gives you long lasting, defined waves. This technique has been around for a long time and is widely used amoung African- Americans. However, I did this technique on my White friend's hair and it had the same effect.
Step One:
Section the hair in squares or triangles around the head. The amount of hair in the square depend on how loose or tight you want the curl to be. For a looser curl you would have about 7-10 squares around the head, while a tighter curl would demand 17-20 squares around the head.
Step Two:
Once you've sectioned the hair, take each section and twist it around itself so that it makes a little chignon or Bantu knot. Continue to do that around the whole head. Feel free to apply a setting lotion or hairspray for better hold.
Step Three:
You can do this before you go to sleep and keep the knots in overnight or you can keep the knots in for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Step Four:
Unravel the knots and finger comb through the waves so the parts aren't so defined.
Step Five:
Viola! You have beachy waves with no heat!
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- The Kelley Doll
- New York, New York, United States
- These are the musings of a starving college student... Young, broke and fabulous! Complete with rants, raves, reviews... whatever!
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